Up to date as of 0.10.042

Actor Properties


Note: Replace the * in any of the following formulas with one of the ability scores offered by the system: strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, or charisma.

  • @abilities.*.value - Ability score
  • @abilities.*.mod - Ability modifier
  • @abilities.*.dc - DC for this ability, calculated using 8 + proficiency + modifier


  • @attributes.ac.value - Current armor class
  • @attributes.attunement.value - Number of currently attuned items
  • @attributes.attunement.max - Maximum number of attuned items allowed
  • @attributes.dead.success - Number of death save successes rolled
  • @attributes.dead.failure - Number of death save failures rolled
  • @attributes.encumbrance.max - Maximum carrying capacity
  • @attributes.encumbrance.value - Current carried weight
  • @attributes.exhaustion - Current level of exhaustion
  • @attributes.hd.d.*.value - Number of hit dice available of a certain size (replace * with a certain die size)
  • @attributes.hp.value - Current hit points
  • @attributes.hp.damage - Amount of damage taken
  • @attributes.hp.temp - Current temporary hit points
  • @attributes.hp.max - Maximum hit points
  • @attributes.initiative.mod - Initiative modifier
  • @attributes.luck.value - Current number of luck points
  • @attributes.proficiency - Proficiency bonus


Note: Replace the * in any of the following formulas with one of the skills offered by the system: acrobatics, animalHandling, arcana, athletics, deception, history, insight, intimidation, investigation, medicine, nature, perception, performance, persuasion, religion, sleightOfHand, stealth, or survival.

  • @proficiencies.skills.*.mod - Skill modifier
  • @proficiencies.skills.*.passive - Skill passive value


  • @progression.level - Overall character level
  • @progression.classes.*.levels - Levels in a specific class, with the class identifier in place of *
  • @progression.xp.value - Current XP
  • @progression.xp.min - Minimum XP for the character’s current level
  • @progression.xp.max - XP required to advance to next level


Note: Replace the * in any of the following formulas with a spell slot: either circle-1 for a specific circle or pact for pact slots.

  • @spellcasting.dc - Spellcasting DC of the spellcasting class with the highest ability.
  • @spellcasting.maxCircle - Maximum spell circle cast-able by the character across all classes
  • @spellcasting.slots.*.max - Max slots
  • @spellcasting.slots.*.spent - Spent slots
  • @spellcasting.slots.*.value - Available slots


  • @traits.movement.base - Base movement
  • @traits.movement.types.* - Movement of specific type (replace * with walk, climb, fly, swim, or burrow)
  • @traits.senses.types.* - Distances of certain senses (replace * with darkvision, keensense, tremorsense, or truesight)

Item Properties

These properties are available on items in addition to the actor properties above.

  • @item.circle - Ring at which a spell is being cast
  • @item.uses.max - Maximum item uses.
  • @item.uses.spent - Spent item uses.
  • @item.uses.value - Currently available item uses.
  • @mod - Modifier for the primary ability associated with the item
  • @prof - Proficiency for the item
  • @scaling - Scaling value (starts at 1 for base usage)
  • @scaling.increase - Number of scaling steps above baseline (starts at 0 for base usage)
  • @spellcasting.dc - Spellcasting DC of class that granted the spell if used on a spell, otherwise highest DC