Up to date as of 0.10.051

Player Characters

Ability - Score

Modify the character’s ability score.

Attribute Key Change Mode Effect Value Roll Data?
system.abilities.[name].value Any number No
Ability Names
Ability Name
Strength strength
Dexterity dexterity
Constitution constitution
Wisdom wisdom
Intelligence intelligence
Charisma charisma

Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.abilities

Ability - Maximum Score

Increase the maximum score for a certain ability.

Attribute Key Change Mode Effect Value Roll Data?
system.abilities.[name].max Any number No

Ability - Save Proficiency

Change the character’s ability save proficiency.

Attribute Key Change Mode Effect Value Roll Data?
system.abilities.[name].save.proficiency.multiplier Upgrade/Downgrade number No

Attunement - Maximum

Increase the maximum number of attunement slots.

Attribute Key Change Mode Effect Value Roll Data?
system.attributes.attunement.max Any number No

Hit Points - Bonuses

Add a bonuses to HP, either once or for every class level.

Attribute Key Change Mode Effect Value Roll Data?
system.attributes.hp.bonuses.overall Any number No
system.attributes.hp.bonuses.level Any number No


Set a different ability for initiative or change initiative proficiency.

Attribute Key Change Mode Effect Value Roll Data?
system.attributes.initiative.ability Any string No
system.attributes.initiative.proficiency.multiplier Upgrade/Downgrade number No


There are certain special flags that can be set to control specific behavior.

Attribute Key Change Mode Effect Value Roll Data?
flags.black-flag.unrestrictedTalents Override boolean No


Ability - Modifier

Change the NPCs ability modifier.

Attribute Key Change Mode Effect Value Roll Data?
system.abilities.[name].mod Any number No
Ability Names
Ability Name
Strength strength
Dexterity dexterity
Constitution constitution
Wisdom wisdom
Intelligence intelligence
Charisma charisma

Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.abilities

Hit Points - Maximum

Increase the NPC’s maximum hit points.

Attribute Key Change Mode Effect Value Roll Data?
system.attributes.hp.max Any number No


Armor Class - Formulas

Add an additional armor class calculation.

Attribute Key Change Mode Effect Value Roll Data?
system.attributes.ac.formulas Add object No
// Example: Mage Armor
{ "label": "Mage Armor", "formula": "13 + @abilities.dexterity.mod" }

// Example: Unarmored Defense
{ "label": "Unarmored Defense", "formula": "13 + @abilities.constitution.mod", "armored": false }

// Example: Armor of Shadows
{ "label": "Armor of Shadows", "formula": "13 + @abilities.charisma.mod", "armored": false, "shielded": false }

Armor Class - Values

Modify the flat AC value (such as for Natural Armor) or set an override (ignores formulas).

Attribute Key Change Mode Effect Value Roll Data?
system.attributes.ac.flat Any number No
system.attributes.ac.override Any number No


Add additional languages, tags, or telepathy distance.

Attribute Key Change Mode Effect Value Roll Data?
system.proficiencies.languages.value Add [language] No
system.proficiencies.languages.communication.[type].range Any number No
system.proficiencies.languages.custom Add string No
system.proficiencies.languages.tags Add [tag] No
Communication Types
Ability Name
Telepathy telepathy

Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.rangedCommunication

Language Tags
Ability Name
Can’t Speak cantSpeak
Language Known in Life knownInLife

Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.languageTags


Change base movement, modify a movement formula, or add movement tags

Attribute Key Change Mode Effect Value Roll Data?
system.traits.movement.base Any number No
system.traits.movement.multiplier Any formula Yes
system.traits.movement.types.[movement] Any formula Yes
system.traits.movement.tags Add [tag] No
Movement Types
Ability Name
Walk walk
Climb climb
Fly fly
Swim swim
Burrow burrow

Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.movementTypes

Movement Modifiers

Movement can take a bonus modifier that is applied to all non-zero movement types. This can be filtered by the specific movement type and whether the character is armored or wielding a shield.

// Example: Monk's Unarmored Movement
{ "type": "bonus", "filter": [{ "k": "type", "v": "movement" }, { "k": "armored", "v": false }, { "k": "shielded", "v": false }], "formula": "@scale.monk.movement" }


Modify senses distances or add tags.

Attribute Key Change Mode Effect Value Roll Data?
system.traits.senses.types.[sense] Any formula Yes
system.traits.senses.tags Add [tag] No
Sense Types
Ability Name
Darkvision darkvision
Keensense keensense
Tremorsense tremorsense
Truesight truesight

Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.senses

Sense Tags
Ability Name
Can’t Sense Beyond This Radius cantSense

Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.senseTags


Change the creature’s size (will not change the token size).

Attribute Key Change Mode Effect Value Roll Data?
system.traits.size Any [size] No
Ability Name
Tiny tiny
Small small
Medium medium
Large large
Huge huge
Gargantuan gargantuan

Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.sizes

Condition/Damage Resistances/Immunities/Vulnerabilities




Spell Attack Bonus

Bonuses to spell attacks can be done using the bonus modifier type with a type filter of attack and a second filter on activity.attack.type.classification:

// Example: Wand of the War Mage +3
{ "type": "bonus", "filter": [{ "k": "type", "v": "attack" }, { "k": "activity.attack.type.classification", "v": "spell" }], "formula": "3" }

// Example: Moon Sickle +1
{ "type": "bonus", "filter": [{ "k": "type", "v": "attack" }, { "k": "activity.attack.type.classification", "v": "spell" }, { "k": "class", "o": "in", "v": ["druid", "ranger"] }], "formula": "1" }

Spellcasting DC Bonus

Spellcasting DC can be changed using a modifier of the bonus type with a type filter of spellcasting-dc. Just using that type will cause the modifier to be applied to all spellcasting classes, but an class filter can be used to boost the DC for a specific class.

// Example: Robe of the Archmagi, targets all spellcasting
{ "type": "bonus", "filter": [{ "k": "type", "v": "spellcasting-dc" }], "formula": 2 }

// Example: Moon Sickle +1, targets only Druid and Ranger spellcasting
{ "type": "bonus", "filter": [{ "k": "type", "v": "spellcasting-dc" }, { "k": "class", "o": "in", "v": ["druid", "ranger"] }], "formula": 1 }