Active Effects
Player Characters
Ability - Score
Modify the character’s ability score.
Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value | Roll Data? |
system.abilities.[name].value |
Any | number |
No |
Ability Names
Ability | Name |
Strength | strength |
Dexterity | dexterity |
Constitution | constitution |
Wisdom | wisdom |
Intelligence | intelligence |
Charisma | charisma |
Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.abilities
Ability - Maximum Score
Increase the maximum score for a certain ability.
Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value | Roll Data? |
system.abilities.[name].max |
Any | number |
No |
Ability - Save Proficiency
Change the character’s ability save proficiency.
Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value | Roll Data? |
system.abilities.[name].save.proficiency.multiplier |
Upgrade/Downgrade | number |
No |
Attunement - Maximum
Increase the maximum number of attunement slots.
Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value | Roll Data? |
system.attributes.attunement.max |
Any | number |
No |
Hit Points - Bonuses
Add a bonuses to HP, either once or for every class level.
Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value | Roll Data? |
system.attributes.hp.bonuses.overall |
Any | number |
No |
system.attributes.hp.bonuses.level |
Any | number |
No |
Set a different ability for initiative or change initiative proficiency.
Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value | Roll Data? |
system.attributes.initiative.ability |
Any | string |
No |
system.attributes.initiative.proficiency.multiplier |
Upgrade/Downgrade | number |
No |
There are certain special flags that can be set to control specific behavior.
Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value | Roll Data? |
---|---|---|---| |
Override | boolean |
No |
Ability - Modifier
Change the NPCs ability modifier.
Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value | Roll Data? |
system.abilities.[name].mod |
Any | number |
No |
Ability Names
Ability | Name |
Strength | strength |
Dexterity | dexterity |
Constitution | constitution |
Wisdom | wisdom |
Intelligence | intelligence |
Charisma | charisma |
Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.abilities
Hit Points - Maximum
Increase the NPC’s maximum hit points.
Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value | Roll Data? |
system.attributes.hp.max |
Any | number |
No |
Armor Class - Formulas
Add an additional armor class calculation.
Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value | Roll Data? |
---|---|---|---| |
Add | object |
No |
// Example: Mage Armor
{ "label": "Mage Armor", "formula": "13 + @abilities.dexterity.mod" }
// Example: Unarmored Defense
{ "label": "Unarmored Defense", "formula": "13 + @abilities.constitution.mod", "armored": false }
// Example: Armor of Shadows
{ "label": "Armor of Shadows", "formula": "13 + @abilities.charisma.mod", "armored": false, "shielded": false }
Armor Class - Values
Modify the flat AC value (such as for Natural Armor) or set an override (ignores formulas).
Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value | Roll Data? |
---|---|---|---| |
Any | number |
No | |
Any | number |
No |
Add additional languages, tags, or telepathy distance.
Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value | Roll Data? |
system.proficiencies.languages.value |
Add | [language] |
No |
system.proficiencies.languages.communication.[type].range |
Any | number |
No |
system.proficiencies.languages.custom |
Add | string |
No |
system.proficiencies.languages.tags |
Add | [tag] |
No |
Communication Types
Ability | Name |
Telepathy | telepathy |
Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.rangedCommunication
Language Tags
Ability | Name |
Can’t Speak | cantSpeak |
Language Known in Life | knownInLife |
Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.languageTags
Change base movement, modify a movement formula, or add movement tags
Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value | Roll Data? |
system.traits.movement.base |
Any | number |
No |
system.traits.movement.multiplier |
Any | formula |
Yes |
system.traits.movement.types.[movement] |
Any | formula |
Yes |
system.traits.movement.tags |
Add | [tag] |
No |
Movement Types
Ability | Name |
Walk | walk |
Climb | climb |
Fly | fly |
Swim | swim |
Burrow | burrow |
Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.movementTypes
Movement Modifiers
Movement can take a bonus modifier that is applied to all non-zero movement types. This can be filtered by the specific movement type and whether the character is armored or wielding a shield.
// Example: Monk's Unarmored Movement
{ "type": "bonus", "filter": [{ "k": "type", "v": "movement" }, { "k": "armored", "v": false }, { "k": "shielded", "v": false }], "formula": "@scale.monk.movement" }
Modify senses distances or add tags.
Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value | Roll Data? |
system.traits.senses.types.[sense] |
Any | formula |
Yes |
system.traits.senses.tags |
Add | [tag] |
No |
Sense Types
Ability | Name |
Darkvision | darkvision |
Keensense | keensense |
Tremorsense | tremorsense |
Truesight | truesight |
Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.senses
Sense Tags
Ability | Name |
Can’t Sense Beyond This Radius | cantSense |
Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.senseTags
Change the creature’s size (will not change the token size).
Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value | Roll Data? |
system.traits.size |
Any | [size] | No |
Ability | Name |
Tiny | tiny |
Small | small |
Medium | medium |
Large | large |
Huge | huge |
Gargantuan | gargantuan |
Source: CONFIG.BlackFlag.sizes
Condition/Damage Resistances/Immunities/Vulnerabilities
Spell Attack Bonus
Bonuses to spell attacks can be done using the bonus
modifier type with a type filter of attack
and a second filter on activity.attack.type.classification
// Example: Wand of the War Mage +3
{ "type": "bonus", "filter": [{ "k": "type", "v": "attack" }, { "k": "activity.attack.type.classification", "v": "spell" }], "formula": "3" }
// Example: Moon Sickle +1
{ "type": "bonus", "filter": [{ "k": "type", "v": "attack" }, { "k": "activity.attack.type.classification", "v": "spell" }, { "k": "class", "o": "in", "v": ["druid", "ranger"] }], "formula": "1" }
Spellcasting DC Bonus
Spellcasting DC can be changed using a modifier of the bonus
type with a type filter of spellcasting-dc
. Just using that type will cause the modifier to be applied to all spellcasting classes, but an class
filter can be used to boost the DC for a specific class.
// Example: Robe of the Archmagi, targets all spellcasting
{ "type": "bonus", "filter": [{ "k": "type", "v": "spellcasting-dc" }], "formula": 2 }
// Example: Moon Sickle +1, targets only Druid and Ranger spellcasting
{ "type": "bonus", "filter": [{ "k": "type", "v": "spellcasting-dc" }, { "k": "class", "o": "in", "v": ["druid", "ranger"] }], "formula": 1 }